Accredited and Regulated training courses
Practical, scenario based courses that prepare you to save lives
Experienced, vocationally competent trainers

Welcome To Pegasus First Aid - Remote Location Specialists

By choosing us to provide your first aid training you will gain the skills knowledge and confidence to respond to emergencies and save lives. Our courses are fun and practical – we have a “roll your sleeves up and get stuck in” approach, giving you lots of opportunities to practice and build confidence.

As an approved ITC First Aid centre, you can be assured that all Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and National Governing Bodies (NGB) requirements are met through the delivery of our OfQual and SQA accredited courses.

We specialise in remote location first aid – preparing you to handle medical emergencies when you are far from help.  Courses are run in community settings or at your workplace and we tailor the content to suit your specific requirements

Why Choose Pegasus First Aid Training?

Regulated Qualifications

Our teaching and business practices are measured against stringent standards. Being an ITC First approved centre requires us to operate to the highest levels and these standards are measured against a stringent Internal and External Verification system.

Tailored courses

We tailor our training courses, working closely with you to ensure that we cover what you need for your environment.


We are very happy to talk through our courses with you and help you to identify your requirements


Let us know what you need and when. From relaxed awareness courses to regulated qualifications, we run courses any day of the week, daytime or evenings

Trainers that walk the walk as well as talk the talk

Our training team have a broad experience relevant to delivering first aid. We have backgrounds in teaching, sport, the military, emergency services and mountaineering and therefore understand the challenges of delivering effective first aid in real world situations. We are all still practicing first aid in our respective fields and maintain up to date training in first aid procedures.

Practical, scenario based training

The best way to learn is to do, and the best way to do is as realistically as possible. Our courses take the theory out of the classroom and provide opportunities for you to realistically apply knowledge and skills.


We want to make certain that everyone taking part in our courses has the opportunity to fully engage and get the most out of the experience. If you have additional needs please let us know so that we can work with you to ensure that you are fully included