World Restart a Heart Day – 2022

World Restart a Heart Day is a global initiative to increase awareness about the importance of bystander CPR and to build the skills and confidence so that people will step in and help if they witness a cardiac arrest.

The sad statistic is that 9 out of 10 people that experience a cardiac arrest outside of hospital in the UK will not survive. This is largely due to the delay in recognising the severity of the situation and starting CPR.

Throughout the world on 16th October thousands of people took part in CPR workshops. 

We did our part too at our local rugby club where we gave many people the chance throughout the day to learn about CPR and most importantly have a go at practising the technique and using a defibrillator.

It was an absolute pleasure to train so many people and see them grow in confidence in such a short space of time. Hopefully they will never have to practice their skills but it’s good to know that we are in safe hands if they do!

Moving forwards we have plans to help many more develop their CPR skills.
Watch this space!